Making manuals that work

July 2022 Heatwave

Temperatures soar and hit peak levels here in the U.K.

Last updated on 24 January 2023

This week parts of the UK witnessed temperatures soaring, breaking records and even causing fires. Of course, this isn’t a complete shock with all the recent goings on around Climate Change. But now more than ever we need to be focussing on our global footprint.

We do our bit here at Denaploy offering predominantly digital manuals only. The days of printing a document consisting of pages and pages of information only be to be stored in a remote location taking up space and revenue are long gone, not to mention the effect it has on the environment printing those manuals.

We can proudly say that we are a company accredited ISO14001 which is a basic commitment to improve environmental performance and meet policy commitments and objectives.

How did you cope in the heat any tips or tricks for if/when it comes back around

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